Monday, April 6, 2020

Let's Keep Moving Forward

Series-ly, I'm Hooked! 

By Ms. Ertelt
Gregor the Overlander Books Image
Gregor the Overlander Series by Suzanne Collins

It all starts with a sentence of babysitting his little sister and grandma, a vent, and an accident. When Gregor's sister falls through a vent in their apartment building, Gregor tries to rescue her and they both end up falling into the Underworld. Once there, Gregor discovers that there is a battle between the translucent-skinned human city of Regalia and the sentient Rat faction (gnawers) led by King Gorger. Gregor also learns that the Prophecy of the Gray predicted his arrival and the end of the Rat's hope of ruling completely. Gregor also learns his father fell through two years earlier, was captured by the Rats, and is being held prisoner. Gregor's mission becomes finding his father and freeing him. The adventure includes many twists and turns. It ends with a betrayel, a rescue, and the hope to never return to the Underworld. The rest of the series involves our reluctant hero Gregor finding his destiny and building epic adventures while facing hard choices. 
This series is highly entertaining with strong medieval and fantasy undertones in this adventure. A great adventure for anyone whose been afraid of what lives beneath us.

Follow this Podcast: Aiden Tyler, Quaran-teened: Author Rex is writing this novel and presenting the chapter-by-chapter read-aloud for middle schoolers offering real-time, about our real-world predicament in a webcast "serial". Tune in every Tuesday at 2pm ET to catch the latest of the story. Missed the first few? Go to the link to catch up. If you stick around after he's read the latest chapter, there is a weekly Q&A with Mr. Rex.  

This is My Remote Learning Space

From Mrs. Dockerty

Why is where I study so important? How can it affect my habits and my thinking? These are questions that Maddie Moate will explain as she talks about setting up an effective study space. These are good tips to help you build a stronger remote learning experience. Now, not everyone has the ability to create their own space in their home, but if you can take a few of the ideas shared to help create a better, more focused, study space then you'll succeed in helping yourself be successful in your learning.

7 Mindsets &Mindfulness & Gratitude 

From Ms. Whipple
"When you are living the best version of yourself you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves." ~Steve Maraboli
The Live to Give mindset teaches the importance of serving others while maximizing our own potential. Stretch Yourself is the first component of the Live to Give mindset. When we live our best lives, we do things we're great at and get the best results.

No One Eats Alone Video
Teenagers Live Extraordinary Lives to Make a Difference

Discuss with your family and identify topics for which you're passionate and determine how you can stretch yourself to give to others in those areas. While we are remotely working, we won't be able to go out to do things, but be creative! Maybe you can write positive and encouraging notes to healthcare workers, people delivering mail/packages, or emergency workers like police, firefighters, and EMTs, service workers like grocery store employees, truck drivers. Send an email to remind your friend or teacher you're thinking of them and missing them. Brainstorm how you can do something after the stay-at-home is lifted and we are able to interact with others like helping at a soup kitchen or animal shelter. See if there are steps you can take now to make this happen.
Social Emotional Resources during Remote Learning: Click Here 

Jeffco's Make Bake Shake Site
Jeffco has a site that has ideas of things to make, bake, and exercise. Click this Link to access the page.

Summer is Almost Here! Last Blog of the School Year

  Our last blog for the school year! There is so much to talk about and so little time. Let’s start with celebrating National AAPI Heritage ...